Sunday, April 24, 2011

Stress Management

When Dr. Blumin asked us to make a "stress pie chart", I didn't think much of it. However, it ended up being one of the most helpful exercises I did in class. By writing out my biggest stresses in life, I was able to see how conquerable all my stresses truly are. On of the sections on my chart was finals and making sure I am prepared for each of them. I found out that I am entitled to seven hours of free tutoring through the College of Visual and Performing Arts. I immediately took advantage of that and contacted tutors for my two biggest finals which had been stressing me out the most. Another section of my chart was my future and what I was going to do as a profession and even just in general. The major/career exploration project helped me a great deal with that part of my stress. At least knowing that I am starting to shape my courses according to what I want to do in the future and what I enjoy takes the stress off a lot. A big section of my stress I have found is able my body image and dieting. With all of the stress that college brings, it is hard to keep on a gym schedule and eat healthily at all hours of the day. However, not being able to do those things causes me stress, so it turns out to be a vicious cycle. I needed to find time to work exercise into my schedule, and help myself to not turn to food or splurge as often on unhealthy foods. I made sure I fit the gym into my schedule by treating it as if it was schoolwork. I used the gym as an assignment to cleanse myself and make myself feel good. I have learned that I need that as part of my schedule in order to function.
I'm sure there will be many different sources of stress on my future stress charts, however the most important thing to remember is the fact that laying my stress out in front of my face is extremely important, and is a great way to make what seems like a big mess into a simply solvable problem.


Red = finals/schoolwork, purple=health and dieting, blue=social life, and green=career/major/future

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Task Management..
There is only about two weeks left of school and all I can think about is "SUMMER." Last week, I blogged about "How to deal with stress." The main factors that had me stressed out were: deciding my major, my body image issues, a possible summer internship/summer job and my nutrition exam. Luckily, I went on a get-away trip and was able to relax. A lot happened since my last post; I have decided on my career choice: Magazine Journalism and Spanish, minor in nutrition. I am confident about my decision, but now I need to concentrate on my finals, since the school year is coming to a closure. Also, I received an 88% on my nutrition exam.
There is a lot to do and not enough time left. This week I took some time to create a PRIORITY LIST in order to rank my assignments and tasks that I must complete before the school year ends. I found this technique easy to use but at the same time tricky. At first, I made a list of tasks ranking them in the order of my personal choice. For example my main priority was to purchase a shampoo for frizzy hair. I care a lot about my hair, but at this point my nutrition exam and spanish final are more important!
Therefore, I made a new list according to my academics.The Priority List technique worked for me because it worked as a visual to remind me of the tasks I must focus on completing. It was fun making the list and now I have to swing into action!
I highly recommend this strategy to everyone, because it helps me be organized. I printed my list and pasted it on my wall. Every time I accomplish a task, I cross it off my list. The feeling of satisfaction feels great! I am excited to make a new list for the summer!


1. Make a list of the MOST IMPORTANT tasks that must be completed! Like an essay or studying for a final; not getting a haircut or shopping for shoes!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Management Strategies

For my final TECH assignment on Task Management I decided to use a Task Strategy called “Top-Five Strategies to Manage Assignments”. To complete this strategy you first work on your hardest course. The next step is to do your hardest assignment first as you attention span and alertness are best when you first start doing an working so best to do the most difficult assignments first. This step is one of the reasons why I chose this strategy as many times when I have a lot to do I direct my focus and attention on the assignments that are more enjoyable rather than the ones that are difficult and need to be done. The next step is to let you attention span be your guide to divide assignments into smaller parts. This entails timing yourself and fins out how long it takes to complete particular assignments and then a lot time for those assignments, which leads me to the next step, which is using alternate subjects during your study time. This step is similar to the step before it involves managing time to a study a certain amount of material and then to maintain focus switch to another subject. I found this aspect of the strategy to be extremely helpful as motivation is difficult unless I feel a time constraints usually from procrastination. By having many other academic distractions I allowed myself to diverge off track but simultaneously doing something productive. Finally the last step is to use due dates for assignments to set priorities and check them off when you complete them. As a visual learner was very helpful, I used posits on my computer and I would delete the assignment when I completed it, which also gave me a sense of satisfaction that I had completed something. In conclusion this in connection with other techniques such as “Schedule a Day at a Time”  I believe is very effective and I plan to continue using them after this class has ended in my studies.

Sunday, April 17, 2011


The past two weeks have been extremely stressful! Last week, I had a nutrition test to study for. Even though, I studied a lot more than for the previous exam, I was still a bit worried. This past week, I was not academically stressed, but I was running out of time, since I was leaving home to visit my family. I hate to admit it but when I am stressed, I act a bit obnoxious. I am so worried about myself that I get in a "don't talk to me" mood. It's so sad. I want to learn how to control myself, before I loose any of my friends.

After reading chapter 13 on Stress Management, I realized that there are other ways to release my stress. I tried the strategy Stress Diagram, which compliments any stressed-out-visual-learner. I also found the Stress Reduction Plan beneficial.

ALL ABOUT THE STRESS DIAGRAM (visual learner+ other learners)

This strategy helped me visually see what is stressing me out the most. Therefore, it shows me what to do first in order to lower my stress level.

1. I made a list of four sources that are causing me to stress.

1. Summer ( internship, courses, job etc.)

2. Major ( magazine, nutrition or spanish)

3. Weight (lack exercise and a healthy diet)

4. Extra-curricular activities on campus.

2. I made a pie chart and dividing it into four sections. I also labeled the sections, according to the four sources, which I made a list of before.


This strategy provides a list of activities that may help you reduce your level of stress. It mede me realize that I can use the energy I spend stressing out in other activities instead of sending negative energy out in the universe. This plan come equipped with different activities from the following topics: physical activities, pamper yourself, change your environment, share it, enjoy and get help. I chose from the various options:


Work Out

* I felt energized!


Get extra sleep

* I felt well rested.


Go on a escape weekend

* I went home to visit my mom; Chicago, IL


Call a friend

*I called my friends, Natasha & Melissa.


Listen to music

*I listened to my favorite song multiple time to relax.


Pending---- (contact the counseling center)

Going home was the most useful of all the recommendations. At home i felt stress-free and I wanted to laugh and spend as much time with my family as possible. It was a wonderful get-away! But, now I am back to stress-land..

BUT, now I know how to attack back!

bam! pow! wow!


 For this weeks TECH assignment I chose to do the strategy “A Day at  a Time”. This strategy involves you being very organized and in control of your stressful situations. To complete this strategy you need to every night before you go to bed write a list of no more than five items that are causing you stress. Write a list of them and post them on your planner and then the next day attempt to address all of those items on the posits. For a sense of accomplishment once you have completed a task put a line through it and then move onto the next stressful item. Then repeat this for the whole week and see how your stress levels are.
            This method I believe was very helpful in managing my stress. The first aspect that I found helpful was the fact that it was only five items. Even though, I have many things that are stressing me out, definitely more than five things breaking it down to the most essential and the most necessary help me prioritize my stress because, sometimes it can be overwhelming.
            The next aspect I thought was very good about this technique was the writing and crossing out of the tasks. As a visual and kinesthetic learner it is very beneficial for me to write things down and to also visually see them. As I do not have a paper form of a planner I prefer to use tools such as iCal, I also decided to use the electronic Stickies provided to me on my Mac. This was very helpful to me visually as I am always on my computer so I was constantly reminded of what I had to do as it was my background on my computer. 

Sunday, April 10, 2011


For my tech assignment this week I decided to use an new anti-procrastination strategies I have never used before. The first strategy I used was called “Schedule a Day at a Time”. This strategy was easy to use and only had a few steps. 
First step was to write a to-do list for one day. The next thing you had to-do was to identify the tasks that would be realistic to accomplish and thirdly, add a few tasks that would be optional for the day but would be helpful to get them done. This next step was my favorite, after each task is completed you have to mark off the task you just finished. And finally the last step was to complete this for the whole week. 
Personally for me this technique worked amazingly. I used the application Stickies on my Mac computer and as the day went along and I remembered what assignments I needed to complete I would just write them down there and where I had free time (which I referenced my fritter finder for that) I completed the tasks on my to-do list. (below is an example of the stickies on my computer. I used not only these stickies for my school work but also for my personal life ; such as laundry ect.)

Another element that was not specified in the directions but I found helpful as I went along in the week was organizing it by priority. There are some assignments that I would prefer to do over others but others more important as they were due the next day. Therefore, by prioritizing them by importance helped my keep on track. I believe I will continue using this “Schedule a Day at a Time” technique because as a visual and kinesthetic learner not only does writing it down help me remember but also by being constantly visually reminded (as its on my home screen) it allows me to remain on task for the whole week.

Friday, April 8, 2011


It is a Friday night and I have to choose: party on South Campus or study for my nutrition test. Well, I haven't gone to a party in six months and finals are coming, meaning that I won't be able to go out. So, ok I choose to party.

My conscious bothers me as I put on the first coat of makeup.

I did not PROCRASTINATE this week, since I used two different systems that forced me to stay on top of my work.

STRATEGY: 24-Hour Rule


My application for a internship was due on Friday at 5pm, so I made a new deadline: Thursday at 5pm.

1. Make a new deadline 24 hours prior to the actual date.

STRATEGY: Schedule a Day at a Time.

Creating To-Do Lists & crossing out the finished task makes me feel accomplished.

1. I wrote a to-do list everyday.

2. I pointed out the tasks that could be realistically completed.

3. I also added a few tasks that were optional to get ahead.

4. CROSS off the finished task.

5. Once you are finished with all your tasks: take a break or start on your optional tasks.

6. Make a new to-do list everyday and add the tasks that weren't completed the previous day.