For my final TECH assignment on Task Management I decided to use a Task Strategy called “Top-Five Strategies to Manage Assignments”. To complete this strategy you first work on your hardest course. The next step is to do your hardest assignment first as you attention span and alertness are best when you first start doing an working so best to do the most difficult assignments first. This step is one of the reasons why I chose this strategy as many times when I have a lot to do I direct my focus and attention on the assignments that are more enjoyable rather than the ones that are difficult and need to be done. The next step is to let you attention span be your guide to divide assignments into smaller parts. This entails timing yourself and fins out how long it takes to complete particular assignments and then a lot time for those assignments, which leads me to the next step, which is using alternate subjects during your study time. This step is similar to the step before it involves managing time to a study a certain amount of material and then to maintain focus switch to another subject. I found this aspect of the strategy to be extremely helpful as motivation is difficult unless I feel a time constraints usually from procrastination. By having many other academic distractions I allowed myself to diverge off track but simultaneously doing something productive. Finally the last step is to use due dates for assignments to set priorities and check them off when you complete them. As a visual learner was very helpful, I used posits on my computer and I would delete the assignment when I completed it, which also gave me a sense of satisfaction that I had completed something. In conclusion this in connection with other techniques such as “Schedule a Day at a Time” I believe is very effective and I plan to continue using them after this class has ended in my studies.
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