Sunday, February 20, 2011

Problem Solving

Ranking Priorities

This week I did the "Ranking Priorities" I did it a little different though, I ranked my priorities for each day. Instead of just using it in just one class I used it in all my classes for that week. I found this strategy to be very effective, it worked for me because I used the sticky notes on my computer and every time I got on my computer I saw what I had to do and when it was due. I chose to do this strategy because it organized everything that I had to do and instead of everything being cluttered together it was spread out and it doesn't seem so overwhelming. To do Ranking Priorities you look at your schedule and see what you have to do, then you rank it A B or C. A = Absolutely Essential B = Important C = Optional go through your schedule and do that for all your classes. It makes it a lot easier to get things done. I really like this strategy and I and going to continue to use it because this works for me.

Change Option ScheduleTest

I really like "COST" this strategy was effective because organized everything and it gets me focused on whats going on with me in school and my personal life. I used this for everything all my classed, because I wait until the last minuet to do a lot . This strategy gives me a game plan and keeps me on my toes because when I test to see if there is any progress and if there isn't i have no one to blame but myself. Overall I like both of these strategies, I think that they are going to be my favorite. They are quick and easy but very effective.


  1. Danae, I think that your "ranking priorities" fits you very well and might do the same for me too. I can imagine that it's always sneaking up on you, when you turn on you MAC to log on FB or any other thing. COST seems effective too. I haven't actually tried this method, but it looks like it can help me stay focused.

  2. The way you layed out your COST solution seemed very organized and like it solved your issues that you needed to sort out. After seeing you do this method it has made me interested in giving it a try.
