Tuesday, March 29, 2011


For some people, the worst thing about tests is memorization. For me, this has always been the easiest part. Since I was completely set in my ways, I was skeptical about our assignment to try and use a specific method from the textbook. However, I realized my method of memorization fits into the methods mentioned in the book. The method called “link”. The link method involves taking a word and using another word that you associate that word with, so whenever you see that word, the other word that you associated it with will help you to remember what it means. Now, I don’t use other words in association with the word I need to know, but I use pictures. The way this works, is I take a word, and then find a picture that I can associate the word with. This, I can visualize the word in my head and remember it based on the image. For example, in one of my classes I have current event quizzes every so often. In order to remember the top stories in the news, I used the link system with images. I typed out one or two words for each top story, such as Libya, Earthquake, Cell Phones, and Nuclear Plant. I then took an image which would help me remember the general Idea of the story. Once I had my images, I placed them right next to the word in large font on my computer.

LIBYA ------> image

EARTHQUAKE ------> image

CELL PHONES ------> image

NUCLEAR PLANT -----> image

Every so often I looked back at the word with the image, and recited to myself the news story. After about three days of doing this every so often, these images were instilled in my head and I was able to recite the story and even the details on my current events quiz. For some, other words in association with the word you need to remember is helpful. For me, I found pictures to be way more helpful. It all depends on how you learn, but for those who want to use the link method but like to see images, this would be perfect for you.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Memory Strategies

For my TECH assignment I used the Memory Strategy called “7 ways to remember what you need to learn”. I completed this strategy in my Design History class, as it is my only academic based class. To complete this Memory Strategy you need to follow seven steps.
  1. Select it, which involves distinguishing the important information and key terms over less significant material. For me as a kinesthetic and visual learner I first looked over the book and highlighted the important information I thought I would need to add to my notecards later
  2. Write it, the second aspect, which involves taking notes in lecture, writing a summary of what you learn in class and then transforming that information onto anther method such as notecards or margin notes. For me personally I went to lecture, secondly I used my highlighted notes from the book and made very detailed notecards. I believe the process of making notecards is very essential for me as a kinesthetic and visual learner as not only writing the information down multiple times is helpful but also visually seeing the images.
  3. Recite it, is the next aspect, which involves discussing the material in a study group. For me I blended steps one and two a little as I made all of my notecards in a group of people. Then after I was done we all as a group went over the notecards and discussed the possible test outcomes.
  4. Relate it, this aspect was the hardest for me to do simply with the large quantity of information. This step requires you to think about the new information and the relate it to something you already know about. An example of the connections I made was with a design lamp called a tiffany lamp. I used a reference of a date and time I went to TGI-Fridays as those lamps remind me of that memory. I have found it hard to link images however I found the most effective way is to reference it to a memory.
  5. Imagine it, is when you mentally visualize the material. This was great for me as my exam is completely image based; I found this step also helpful in connection with step number four.
  6. Practice it; this step is exactly as it says it is, practicing. This action involves reviewing old notes/ notecards frequently (like every day). As I have so much information I placed all of my notecards on a spiral ring so that I could not loose any images. This also helps me break up the work. The spiral notecards hold 100 notecards and the material we need to cover completes three whole notecards rings. This works out perfectly for me because every day I study a different spiral of notecards on a three-day cycle. I believe this is the best method for me to actually learn the material and not just study it as a lot of times I memorize something but don’t actually learn it. Therefore, one a three-day cycle of notecards it guaranteed that by the time the third day comes around I have already forgotten the notecards from the first day, allowing me to really learn the material. 
  7. Finally the last step is, anticipate it. Anticipate it involves thinking about what a specific author or professor might tell you, to then read or attempt to understand with a purpose. For me personally I used my skills as a mainly visual learner to anticipate the different objects and pictures that could be in each movement and elements that fall in that genre. 

here is the notecards I use in a spiral form

Mnemonic Devices & Link System

Mnemonic Devices: Kinesthetic Learner

Step 1: Choose information that you must memorize and learn about.  
I had to rember the three main anesthetics. 
Step 2: Underline the first letter of each of the key terms that you must learn.
The three main anesthetics- ether, nitrous oxise, and chloroform.
Step 3: Create a word that will help you to remeber all three of these terms.
The word I created was cone. 

Link System:

Step 1: Select the word or concept you need to remeber.

I chose the concept Compulsive Behaviors 
Step 2: Create an image or word that can be pictured that looks like or sounds like the abstract word or concept. 
The picture that I chose was a picture of someone gambling because this reminds me of someone having compulsive and addictive behaviors.

Mnemonic Devices & Link System

Mnemonic Devices: Kinesthetic Learner

Step 1: Choose information that you must memorize and learn about.  
I had to rember the three main anesthetics. 

Step 2: Underline the first letter of each of the key terms that you must learn.
The three main anesthetics- ether, nitrous oxise, and chloroform.

Step 3: Create a word that will help you to remeber all three of these terms.
The word I created was cone. 

Link System:

Step 1: Select the word or concept you need to remeber.

I chose the concept Compulsive Behaviors 

Step 2: Create an image or word that can be pictured that looks like or sounds like the abstract word or concept. 
The picture that I chose was a picture of someone gambling because this reminds me of someone having compulsive and addictive behaviors.

Saturday, March 26, 2011


A blazing sun, tall palm trees, glistening waves and a crowded shore

completes a typical Miami beach scenery. Suddenly, a volleyball hits

your head and a chick in a red two-piece says, "Sorry, pass the ball!"

Time freezes, fireworks appear in the sky, a gust of wind blows

her long black hair and her soft pink lips create a smile. Narrator:

"The man has been sprung." She leans forward to grab the volleyball

and says, "Hi, my name is Alejandra."

I need ro remember this hot chicks name!

Let's stop and think... How can I associate the name Alejandra with

my own interests? Yes! I will imagine her wearing Lady Gaga's

dress made out of raw meat singing her song Alejandro,

"Don't call my name, Alejandro (Ale-Alejandro Ale-Alejandro)."

3 Years Later...

Narrator: "The man lived happily
ever after with the vegetarian chick
wearing a meat dress!"


Wouldn't life be easier if everyone wore a name tag? Unfortunately,

we have waste our time & energy to memorize peoples' names! The

technique that this man used to remember his future wife's name is

called Link System.

Link System: Visual Learner

STEP 1. Select a concept/word/name that you need to remember.

I had to remember Jorge Ramos', hispanic news anchor, biography to present

in spanish class.

STEP 2. Use your imagination to create an image or word in your mind that

sounds like or looks like he concept/

word/name that you want to memorize.

I related to him because of his background dealing with immigration.

STEP 3. In your mind visualize an outrageous/absurd/crazy/funny image relating

the images.

I pictured Jorge Ramos

in front of a camera interviewing President Obama.

This is how I remembered his profession. BUT to remember his name, I imagined

my little brother, Jorge, chasing me carrying a pile of sticks. Ramos in spanish

means "branches."

Mnemonic Devices: Kinesthetic Learner

STEP 1. List the terms that you need to remember.

Proteins are important for:




-Cell Membrane


-Immune Factors

STEP 2. Underline the first word in each word.


STEP 3. Place the letters in an order that creates a word.

M I C E B. B.

"Hi, my name is B.B."