Saturday, March 26, 2011


A blazing sun, tall palm trees, glistening waves and a crowded shore

completes a typical Miami beach scenery. Suddenly, a volleyball hits

your head and a chick in a red two-piece says, "Sorry, pass the ball!"

Time freezes, fireworks appear in the sky, a gust of wind blows

her long black hair and her soft pink lips create a smile. Narrator:

"The man has been sprung." She leans forward to grab the volleyball

and says, "Hi, my name is Alejandra."

I need ro remember this hot chicks name!

Let's stop and think... How can I associate the name Alejandra with

my own interests? Yes! I will imagine her wearing Lady Gaga's

dress made out of raw meat singing her song Alejandro,

"Don't call my name, Alejandro (Ale-Alejandro Ale-Alejandro)."

3 Years Later...

Narrator: "The man lived happily
ever after with the vegetarian chick
wearing a meat dress!"


Wouldn't life be easier if everyone wore a name tag? Unfortunately,

we have waste our time & energy to memorize peoples' names! The

technique that this man used to remember his future wife's name is

called Link System.

Link System: Visual Learner

STEP 1. Select a concept/word/name that you need to remember.

I had to remember Jorge Ramos', hispanic news anchor, biography to present

in spanish class.

STEP 2. Use your imagination to create an image or word in your mind that

sounds like or looks like he concept/

word/name that you want to memorize.

I related to him because of his background dealing with immigration.

STEP 3. In your mind visualize an outrageous/absurd/crazy/funny image relating

the images.

I pictured Jorge Ramos

in front of a camera interviewing President Obama.

This is how I remembered his profession. BUT to remember his name, I imagined

my little brother, Jorge, chasing me carrying a pile of sticks. Ramos in spanish

means "branches."

Mnemonic Devices: Kinesthetic Learner

STEP 1. List the terms that you need to remember.

Proteins are important for:




-Cell Membrane


-Immune Factors

STEP 2. Underline the first word in each word.


STEP 3. Place the letters in an order that creates a word.

M I C E B. B.

"Hi, my name is B.B."


  1. Your post was very creative and seemed like it really helped you to remeber the proteins. After seeing you create the word it made me want to try that strategie for my Drug and Dynamics class and it really seemed to help.

  2. I really liked your post about Lady Gaga and I think that making up a story to remeber somehting is very useful because you specifically remeber thinking about that story and why it happened or what happened in the story so it helps you to remeber information.
