Sunday, March 20, 2011

Lights,Camera, ACTION!

Spring Break is over! We are all back in our lovely dorms. The lady said, “Do yourself a favor and leave your books in your dorm!” The sea of bewildered stares attacked the lady & they swore to complete their homework during the break.

LADY, GUESS WHAT? I opened my books! I used them to fan myself during an unexpected rise of temperature in Chicago. (lie) Truth is: Not all my work got accomplished.

Family&Friends+TV+Homemade FOOD = DISTRACTION


The Caveman era is over. FLASHCARDS are no longer used to wipe your ____. But, instead used to obtain a healthy relationship with your books. ME: I fall asleep while I read, I don’t understood the author’s main point or the organization the material is being presented. Flash Card Reading & My Poem Reads Dandy are reading strategies that can help you finish your reading assignments.

Flash Card Reading- Kinesthetic Learner

If you are assigned to write a paper this is the perfect match for you. Soon, I will be writing a paper on the book Believe You Can, which is full of quotes and other important information that can compliment my paper. Before, I would have a hard time remembering what page or where I read a certain quote or fact. Leading, to the time consuming act of rereading the entire passage. Using this strategy, I read the chapters in the book with a different angle. First: I have in mind, “I am reading to find useful information to support my paper.” Second: I skim through the headings and find five specific sections that relate to my paper’s topic. I quickly realize that the author’s order, in this case the info. is delivered in a sequential order. Third: I draw a star next to specific quotes using a purple pen. Fourth: I write the quote and page number were I can find the quote on one side of the flash card. I even rewrite the quote in my own words next to the original quote (not necessary). Fifth: After I finish the reading assignment, I write the topic the quote assimilates, in regards to my paper, on the reverse side of the flash card.

2. My Poem Reads Dandy - VISUAL LEARNER

I was amazed how quickly I finish reading the required material without finding myself distracted and/or bored. I usually fall asleep, start surfing the internet or read the entire assignment on one sit down. Using this strategy, I calculated the time it takes me to start wandering off: 45 minutes. By measuring my attention span, I will have better results by chunking my reading assignment. I found it valuable to be aware that after 45 minute of reading non-stop I am no longer focused on the material. First: I measured my attention span, which is 45 minutes; approximately 15 pages of my book Believe you Can. How did I do this? I used the stop watch on my IPOD. Second: I divided the reading assignment into logical chunks. Three chunks: 15 pages each. Third: I `used the chunks to the time and breaks between my chunks, if I choose to complete more than one chunk a day. (I had a 15 minute break between each chunk, since I had time on my hands to complete all three chunks.) Fourth: I took a quick glimpse of the chapters I was assigned to read. I skimmed the headings of the book and found it useful to have a preview of what I would be reading more in depth. Some books provide text aids, like a chapter outline, objectives or/and summaries. These can come in handy when previewing a chapter. Fifth: As I read the chapters in chunks, I jotted down notes on the sides of the pages. I usually highlight and I don’t leave a keyword or a small summary in my own wording that will help me understand the author. Now, I leave my footprint behind. Sixth: With the notations you made on the pages, create a graphic organizer. This will provide a visual aid to help you recall the information you read.

Take Action NOW.

“Life is like a taxi; the meter keeps a-tick whether you’re getting somewhere or standing still.”

- Lou Erickson

Blog Created In: Chicago, IL; Cleveland, OH and Buffalo, NY.


  1. After looking at your graphic organizer it makes me want to give this exerise a try, it looks like it works wonders. I think that the graphic organizer at the end is such an essential part of this strategie because it allows you to remeber first off what you read and it also forces you to generate themes, and look at the bigger picture. If you tried doing this for each chaper then at the end of the book when your writing you final paper or your studying for you exam you can look back at all of the graphic organizers to help youself remeber the different chapters and the main events that happened.

  2. Mayra I really like how you did the flash card reading right before you had a big paper due. This seems very useful and will deffinetly help you to be better organized while writing your paper. Also it will be beneficial to you because now you already have your main ideas for your paper and you have the topics and main themes of the paragraphs written down.
